Dada Manavendrananda – Sadhana Development

The purpose in presenting this series of sessions is two fold. The first is to help provide participants with a clear understanding of the inner spirit and science underlying our sadhana practices. The second is to provide, through a wide variety of stories and experiences, fresh insight and inspiration in the daily practice of meditation. We want everyone to enjoy deep and successful meditation practice…so that sadhana is so wonderful and exciting …you will be excited to sit and will not wish to stop.

In particular, Dada will present material from Baba’s discourses to provide a source for the concepts presented. In addition, he will draw upon many impressions and insights learned from his visits every year for eight years to spend about one month each year in study with Dada Candranath in Patna, India. Dada Candranathji, who passed away in March 2007, was one of our most elder and most realized sadhakas. He was a revered family acharya who was initiated by Baba in the earliest days of our Ananda Marga mission. These sessions will be given in English in June and Mandarin in August.



Session 1 – Oaths, Attitude and Outlook – Sadhana in Daily Life
Session 2 – The Human Mind – Visualization and Concentration
Session 3 – Guru Mantra – Action, Mind and the Law of Karma
Session 4 – Self Analysis – Fate or Future
Session 5 – The Guru and Guru Shakash
Session 6 – Science of Sadhana – Understanding the Science of Our Six Lessons
Session 7 – Cakras and Sadhana – Subtle Structures Require Subtle Practices
Session 8 – Personality Growth and Self Improvement

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